Kristina Gentile Becker


After obtaining a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Missouri in hospitality management, and working in the field for seven years, Kristina desired a career that was more creatively stimulating. She discovered a love of interior design that led her to the College of DuPage, from which she obtained an associate degree in interior design. While focused mostly on residential design, Kristina enjoys designing all types of projects and has a specific passion for universal design. Being a natural-born people person, she thrives on working with clients to create a space that fulfills a client’s needs and makes them look forward to coming home every day. 

Kristina grew up in St. Charles and considers the Fox Valley Area her home. In her free time, Kristina enjoys live music and curating her home collection of vinyl. Her weekends are usually filled with family, friends, and movie nights cuddled up on the couch with her husband, dog and two cats. 

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